The 12th HIRAKU Achievement Presentation – Report

Japanese Page

【Date】Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 13:00-15:20
【Conference Method】Online (Zoom)
【Participants】153 participants in total

The 12th HIRAKU Achievement Presentation was held as an online event within Zoom, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The event started with the Opening Remarks from TATE Shinichi, Executive and Vice President, Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University. Thereafter, AIDA Misako, Executive Advisor to the President, Hiroshima University, introduced the HIRAKU Program Activities and Achievements.

In Session Ⅰ, entitled “Career Development and Corporate Recruitment of the Doctoral Researchers”, the participants introduced the HIRAKU 3MT Competition, explained the outline of the Long-Term Internship Program and the recruitment procedures at companies, and made the Reporting Presentations on their experiences during the Long-Term Internship.
In Session Ⅱ, entitled “Research Frontline of the Young Faculty Members”, four young researchers from the HIRAKU Program gave speeches about the appealing aspects of their research, then held a discussion session together to exchange their ideas regarding the level of career progress that is desirable for researchers.

The event was successfully concluded with the Closing Remarks delivered by SASAKI Takuya, Executive Director for Research Affairs, Vice President, Tokushima University, which is the host institute for the 13th HIRAKU Achievement Presentation.

◆ Session Ⅰ: Career Development and Corporate Recruitment of the Doctoral Researchers
Chair: MISU Toshiyuki, Deputy Director of the Global Career Design Center, Hiroshima University

◎ Explaining the Attractiveness of the Research and its Vision Effectively
– The Outline of the HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2020 –

◎ “The Outline of the Internship Program at TODA KOGYO CORP.”
    AOKI Koso, President & Representative Director, TODA KOGYO CORP.

◎ Presentations on the Internship Experiences by the HIRAKU Long-Term Internship Program Participants after the Employments
・“Encouragement to Participate in the Internship Program while You are a Doctoral Student”
    (Degree when he participated in the Internship: D2 at the Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University)
・“About the Significance of Participating in the Long-term Internship while Enrolled in the Doctoral Course and the Career of the Doctorate Students to Get a Job at a Company”
    TANIGUCHI Junichi, TOKEN C.E.E. Consultants Co., Ltd.
    (Degree when he participated in the Internship: D2 at the Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science, Tokushima University)

◎ Reporting Presentations by the HIRAKU Long-Term Internship Program Participants, and the Comments of the Person/s in Charge at the Host Organizations
    [Reporting Presentation]
    PAL PRATIBHA, Research Fellow, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
    (Degree when she participated in the Internship: D3 at the Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University)
    [Comments of the person in charge of the Internship at the host organization]

◆ SessionⅡ: Research Frontline of the Young Faculty Members
Chair: WAKABAYASHI Kaori, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Academy of Hiroshima University

◎ Speeches by the HIRAKU Members about their Research Visions and Appeals
・“Relationship between crystal structure and electrical properties in piezoelectrics”
    Kim Sangwook, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Academy of Hiroshima University
・“Experiment Planning Support System based on the Machine Learning”
    KANEMATSU Yusuke, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Academy of Hiroshima University
・“The Fun of the Fruit Tree Research”
    Kim Junghee, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University
・“Career Development of the Young Researchers and the Environment Surrounding Them”
    KATO Setsu, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Academy of Hiroshima University

◎ Discussion


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