The 8th HIRAKU Achievement Presentation

>> Report

On Saturday, February 9, 2019, the 8th HIRAKU Achievement Presentation will be held at Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima Campus. It will be open for all, from undergraduate, graduate, doctorate students to their supervisors, doctoral researchers, young researchers interested in the tenure-track positions, and so forth.
( Click here to see the flyer. (Japanese only))

【Date】Saturday, February 9, 2018 9:30~12:15
【Venue】Reception Hall, Faculty Club 2F, Hiroshima University (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus)
Access the below URL to complete your registration. 
>>  (Due Tuesday, February 5, 2019)

 9:30 Opening Remarks
    Takashi Takata, Executive & Vice President, Hiroshima University  
 9:35 Overview of HIRAKU Programs  
    Misako Aida, Executive & Vice President, Hiroshima University
 9:50 Post-Appointment Presentation by Tenure-Track Researchers
    (1)Yasuko Masui, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences,
    Tokushima University
    (2)Satoru Muramatsu, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
    (3)Deepa Kamath Kasaragod, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences,
    Hiroshima University
    (4)Riya Cathering George, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
 10:50 Reporting Presentation by HIAKU Long-Term Internship Program Participants
    (1)Hiroaki Tsuji, D1, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
    [Host Organization] Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.
    (2) Liu Xiaojing, D2, Graduate School of Litterature, Hiroshima University
    [Host Organization] The Duan Press
    (3) Ayako Nagae, Researcher, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
    [Host Organization] Nurture UK
    (4) Denka Luo, The Graduate School of East Asia Studies, Yamaguchi University
    [Host Organization] The Yamaguchi Prefectural Library
    (5)Luo Aiwen, Special Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Career Design Center, Hiroshima University
    [Host Organization] DENSO CORPORATION
12:10 Closing Remarks
 Kenji Hori, Executive & Vice President, Yamaguchi University

【Contacts / Inquiry】
HIRAKU Operating Council Office
Global Career Design Center, Hiroshima University
Tel: 082-428-2058 E-mail: hiraku■
(Please replace ■ by @)

【Host Organization】
Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users (HIRAKU)
Under the “Building of Consortia for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology (Program for Developing Next Generation Researchers)” implemented by MEXT


Open Opportunities

Call for Applications
