Have you ever thought about the potential impact of your research on others or society? Have you ever thought about what it means to be considered as a “subject-matter expert” and/or “Highly skilled Professional”? What is research ethics for? This workshop aims to dig into these questions to have you grasp the image of “Integrity for researchers”. We would encourage any doctorate students and postdocs to join us, as starters as researchers.
This workshop also helps you interact with other young researchers to build good relationship to inspire each other for a long time to come. New colleagues from different research areas will change your future.
[Date] June 1, 2017 (THU) 10:00 – 17:00
[Venue] Information Media Center at Hiroshima University, 2F Seminar Room #2&3
[Eligible Participants] Young Researchers (mainly postdocs and doctorate students) 30 participants at maximum
(This workshop will be held as a part of the training program for Special Postdoctoral Researcher of Hiroshima University as well as the HIRAKU Practical Training Program.)
[Fee] Free to participate in the workshop. About 1,000yen for lunch.
Hosted by: Research Planning Office & Global Career Design Center at Hiroshima University
Co-Hosted by: “Home for Innovative Researchers & Academic Knowledge Uses” under the “Building of Consortia for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology” and “The Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities” (both implemented by MEXT)
Please register yourself through the below URL at latest by Tuesday, May 30.
*Please be noted that we may close the registration window in case the number of participants exceeds 30.
[Contacts] Research Planning Office, Hiroshima University
E-mail: kenkyu-conso■office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace ■ by @)
<< Program >>
Facilitated by:
Prof. Kiiko Katsuno (Seikei Center for Higher Education Development, Seikei University)
Prof. Machi Sato (Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University)
10:00 – 10:10 Introduction
10:10 – 10:40 Lecture “Values and Integrity for Researchers” (tentative)
Prof. Yosuke Yamamoto, Executive and Vice President (Research), Hiroshima University
10:40 – 11:20 Ice Breaker Activities
11:20 – 13:20 Workshop for “Positioning of Researchers” (incl. Lunch Session)
13:20 – 14:20 Workshop for Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
Reference provided by Mr. Yasuhiro Isobe, URA, Hiroshima University
14:30 – 16:00 Workshop for “Integrity for Researchers”
16:00 – 17:00 Closing Session “How to improve your skills required for researchers?”
Prof. Toshiyuki Misu, Global Career Design Center, Hiroshima University