HIRAKU Achievement Presentation – Event Report

The HIRAKU Achievement Presentation was kicked off with a keynote lecture titled “Business oriented Innovation”, by Mr. Hidemi Takasu, Chief Advisor & Engineering Advisor at ROHM Co., Ltd. He talked about the emerging Chinese industry, changing business environment, creative ways of thinking, skills/competencies required by the industry, etc. Above all, he advised students/young researchers to take prompt actions with three types of eyes (birds’ eyes to grasp the overall picture, worms’ eyes to capture the details and fishes’ eyes to understand the flow) and further encouraged them to have free ideas that break through their own subject area, their counties or internal barriers within themselves.

Following the above, Misako Aida, Executive and Vice President of Hiroshima University (in charge of University Reform), reported the achievement and Ex-post Evaluation results (overall – S) of the “Plan to develop striving Young Resources with a Regional Concert Effect (Chiho kyoso niyoru chousensuru wakatejinzai no yousei keikaku)”. She also briefed the overview(*) of the “Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users or HIRAKU” (under the “Building of Consortia for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology (“Program for Developing Next Generation Researchers”)”)
(*) This “HIRAKU” program consists of two pillars; one is to build a system to find the right positions for the right doctorate resources (D & PD) and the other is to nurture the independent young researchers (tenure-track assistant professors) under the consortium, which are all backed up in collaboration by consortium member organizations, or Yamaguchi University, Tokushima University and other universities as well as private enterprises, research institutes and administrative organs across the Chugoku-Shikoku Region.

After that, Internship Debriefing session was held with presentations by the four participants to the 1st internship program to share their experience at the host organizations. Following that, the Tenure-Track Program Debriefing session was held with presentations by six tenure-track assistant professors (four from the 1st badge and two from the 2nd badge), to share their background as well as their progress up to date.



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